Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I DID IT!  It took me two years to accomplish, but I grew my hair out long enough to donate to Locks of Love.  It wasn't pretty.  All those luscious locks were really bringing me down.  I wish I was that pretty girl who could rock that pretty, natural look.  It's just not me though.  I'm a spunky, potty mouth that needs a short punky bob.  I shed the mop and have donated it to a good cause.  It made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside that I may just do it again.  I figure I only have a few more years before these little children make me go grey so the time is NOW!  Pictures coming tomorrow.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I don't know how I'm going to get this made into a book or movie if I can't consistently update it.  Big dreaming hillbilly over here!  I need to find a way to supplement my income since our Government can't figure out how to budget.  It's that simple.  I'm now going to be forced to cut back my expenses by 20% since I'll be furloughed.  It's really ok-I have 20% that I can easily cut back.  I just hope it doesn't go to 40%, etc.  Many things have occurred since my last post.  Mainly, we moved out of the ghetto!  WOOP.  I can now let my children play outside without having to worry about their bicycles and little tykes being stolen from under their noses.  Yes, that's correct.  I also don't have to worry about the kids spray painting my house, breaking my windows, etc.  GOOD RIDDANCE!

So, we can now cross off #48-buy new family room furniture.  We are now the proud owner of a Jonathan Lewis  sectional.  I loved it at Kittles, and I absolutely hate it now.  Its my own fault, really.  I'm not a designer.  I can't pick things out by looking at fabric swatches.  Shit, I can't even match my wardrobe.  Anyways, I went ahead and picked the sectional in the store with the same LIGHT colored fabric.  It's a nice blue/silver hue.  It's sharp, but not ideal for a family with two little crumb snatching maniacs.  Let me assure you, my youngest is the biggest maniac of all.  He LOVES to snatch pens (how he finds these is beyond me...spidey senses???) and write ALL OVER walls, cushions, anything BUT paper.  You probably know where this is going.  Yes, ink ALL over the new couch-on several occasions.  I'm all about going natural, but I had to buy some hairspray for this.  Did you know that hairspray gets ink out of fabric?  No?  Well, you do now!  I've used almost an entire bottle of hairspray on this bad boy.  It's dip shit 1 [me] and dip shit 2 [husband] faults, really!  I don't know why we can't put our pens away after writing endless lists to conquer [me] or crosswords [hubby].  Its truly eludes me.

With the new house, also came an amazing craft room.  It's enormous and ALL MINE.  It's a good thing I harvested little boys so I don't have to share my craft space.  Let's face it, I have never shared well anyways.  So I have this gorgeous room, I've set it all up, I can scrapbook whenever I want and have so far successfully conquered  #23.  Since we moved, I've finished two books.  I've also learned how to sew #49.  Thanks Pat for helping me with this.  You are patient, beyond words!  I've also made some super hippy curtains for our guest bedroom in the basement.  Think-1970's bold floral fabric.  I did it!  I also managed to sew the bed skirt too-#50.  Remember, I can't match.  I've pretty much used this bedroom as an inspiration to my inabilities.  I have a lime green bubble duvet cover, teal sheets, and these hideous curtains/bed skirt that don't match the bedding.  I put some silver butterflies on the wall, and I know there is still much work to be done, but it's "guestable."

Well, enough for now....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cross 101 off the list

I put 101 on the list because it was my last one and I was reaching for something.  I decided it would be an easy one and I had a target already.  There is this person that sits alone at lunch on a daily basis at work.  I don't know what is wrong with me, but I don't believe anybody should have to sit alone in a building of 5000 people for lunch.  My husband just made fun of me, along with our friend, and kept telling me this person probably wanted to eat alone.  Guess what, they may want to eat alone, but they accepted a lunch invitation to sit with us! I'm happy to say I've hopefully made a new friend. 

On a side note, this person also has a degenerative brain condition which I did not know before I asked them to sit with us.  I'm extremely sad about this situation.  This really makes me appreciate life.  I really hope they continue to eat with us at least on a weekly basis.  I really enjoyed their company!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

101 things to do in 1001 days

Many moons ago, a friend of mine posted a list of goals she wanted to complete in 1001 days.  It was inspirational.  I always wanted to create my own, and finally have decided to kick it off.  I need to better my life.  I suck at losing weight so I'm going to focus my attention on other areas of my life.  I want to be a better person!  I want to help people in need, I want to be a great Mom, I want to be a great wife, and I want to have some fun along the way.  My official start date was June 1, 2012.  Life was a little hectic over the summer so I'm just now getting the opportunity to write.  I'm going to update when I complete or make progress on anything on the below list:
101 things to do in 1001 days
1)      Pass BEC
2)      Pass FAR
3)      Pass AUD
4)      Pass REG
5)      Try 52 new recipes
6)      Have another baby
7)      Go Organic
8)      Lose 10 lbs
9)      Lose 20 lbs
10)   Lose 30 lbs
11)   Lose 40 lbs
12)   Lose 50 lbs
13)   Exercise 3 days a week
14)   Take the boys to Disney
15)   Buy Land
16)   Build a House
17)   Enroll Sammy in a sport
18)   Enroll Wes in a sport
19)   Teach Sammy to read
20)   Teach Wes to read
21)   Donate my hair to Locks for Love
22)   Get a promotion
23)   Scrapbook once every month
24)   Blog once a month to remember the boy’s important moments
25)   Call Granny once a week
26)   Go chemical free
27)   Go to Boston
28)  Donate to goodwill once a year  
29)   Read 12 books a year
30)   Grow Blueberries
31)   Grow Raspberries
32)   Plant a lemon tree
33)   Plant a lime tree
34)   Plant a cherry tree
35)   Have a garden every summer
36)   Learn the piano
37)   Make a new friend every year
38)   Unload a toxic person every year
39)   Enroll the boys in a new language
40)   Go on 12 dates with Ryan every year
41)   Take at least one vacation every year
42)   Stop listening to stupid people
43)   Write something
44)   Start a side business
45)   Start a collection of something
46)   Donate $xxx to charity every year
47)   Save $xxxxx not including boy’s monthly contribution/TSP/IRA
48)   Buy new family room furniture
49)   Learn how to sew
50)   Sew curtains
51)   Sew pillowcases
52)   Stop eating hydrogenated foods
53)   Enjoy a food splurge on special occasions
54)   Stick to our family budget for three consecutive months
55)   Grow flowers from seeds
56)   Extract seeds from my garden this year and plant next year, repeat
57)   Can tomatoes and green beans yearly
58)   Sponsor a local family during the holidays yearly
59)   Volunteer twice a year at a local organization
60)   Stop eating refined sugar except on above splurges
61)   Sew baby clothes quilt for Sam
62)   Sew baby clothes quilt for Wes
63)   Start flossing daily
64)   Take a cake decorating class
65)   Take a digital photography class
66)   Help someone in need
67)   Go to a concert
68)   Bowl
69)   Buy a whole new wardrobe once I lose the weight
70)   Don’t spread office gossip. 
71)   See a Cubs game
72)   See a minor league baseball game
73)   Walk the canal in downtown Indy
74)   Go to the Indy  500
75)   Make a painting and hang it in our house
76)   Go to bed happy EVERY day!
77)   Run a race-any race-and run the ENTIRE thing
78)   Take a floral decoration class
79)   Get my CDFM or CGFM
80)   Stop swearing at work
81)   Stop buying things I don’t need [i.e. partylite candles, junk jewelry, etc when people have parties]
82)   Learn to say NO!
83)   Try out for the Amazing Race
84)   Take a hot air balloon ride
85)   See a Broadway show
86)   Deliver naturally (probably the hardest goal on this list as I’ve had two c-sections, but if it’s possible, I’m doing it).
87)   Moisturize my face twice a day
88)   Get 2 ct.  Diamond Studs (hint, hint Ryan)
89)    Create something out of wood (preferably a toy box, but that may be big dreams)
90)   Crochet a blanket
91)   Help a friend in need
92)   Get a new mattress
93)   Pet each cat daily
94)   Recycle everything possible
95)   Get my heart checked
96)   Buy a hybrid car
97)   Go to a Pacers game
98)   Hold a Koala
99)   Go to Vegas
100)  Clean up my child’s vomit [this is by far the hardest one on the list for me]
101)  Eat lunch with someone I don’t know.
So let's begin. 
#15 and #16-completed on October 8, 2012.  Ryan and I purchased a piece of land and are building a house.  We signed the papers yesterday.  We can't wait to get out of this shit hole neighborhood.  Reason #354 on why we need out-our stupid neighbor sent his kid over to our house on Sunday while we had a party and wanted one of our guests to move their car IN THE STREET so he could park there.  It's not his property, it's the effing street.  He has a serious misconception of what he owns and what he doesn't.  He's the same prick whose children leave broken glass, garbage, and have spray painted our property.  When we talked to him, he was a complete douche.  I know where those kids will end up down the road.  So sad.  If I were a really good person, I'd try to help those kids stay out of trouble.  However, I'm not.

#29-I've read 4 so far.  A very enticing book on BEC, and the 50 shades of grey series.  OMG-STEAMY!  And no, I'm not referring to the CPA book either. 

#37  I have two-Jewel and Sheri! 

#38 is the one I'm most excited to discuss here.  I have finally decided to unload the toxic out of my life.  I hope I can inspire you too.  Everybody has somebody toxic in their life.  Hell, I may be it.  Let's pretend I'm not and let me define what a toxic person can be.  A toxic person can do all or just one of the following to YOU and others: use you, lie to you, cheat on you, degrade you, talk poorly about you behind your back, not listen to you, not respect you, etc.  You get the idea.  I will NEVER use a person's real name in a post because I'm not a horrible person.  However, I will say that I did get rid of someone this year.  I'm still going to have to see them occasionally because it isn't avoidable, but, I'm happy to say, I'm a happier person now.  This specific person is a LIAR, and a meddler.  I was reminded just this weekend why I don't speak to them, but on forced occasions.  When every other sentence out of your mouth is either lying or comparing my children to yours, it's time to get lost.  I do hope one day that they can stop lying and stop talking poorly about almost every person in their life, but I will not be around to see or witness it.  That friendship is DONE.  I highly recommend cleansing the toxic.  You can still be nice, but you don't need to deal with it anymore!

#66 I really get high off of helping people in need.  Don't let my potty mouth fool you.  I'm a really compassionate person.  Ryan and I are really lucky that we can afford to spare a few extra dollars here and there.  We have been able to help 2 people this summer and I hope to continue to be able to in the coming months.

#95-hypochondriac alert!  Lets be honest- I'm a little overweight.  I wanted to get my heart checked since I had the boys to make sure I'm not rocking any clogged arteries or freaky abnormalities.  I decided to do this in June and I can say I'm good to go!

#99-completed June 2012.  Ryan and I went on our first vacation alone since we had the boys.  Vegas baby!  We also had the pleasure of seeing our friends Justin and Alisha tie the knot.  While leaving our children was a tough pill to swallow, and our selected babysitter didn't quite follow the directions, it was nice to get away for a few days.

Stay tuned for more cross offs!